IBM and UIUC announced the plans for a multi-year collaboration to create the IBM-ILLINOIS Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research (C3SR) which will be housed within the College of Engineering on the Urbana campus. Opening in the summer of 2016, the C3SR will integrate and advance scientific frontiers in both machine learning and heterogeneous computing systems optimized for new cognitive computing workloads. The C3SR will be co-ledby Professor Wen-Mei Hwu, a faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois, and Dr. Jinjun Xiong, Program Director of Cognitive Computing Systems Research from IBM Research. The center will will be staffed by a team of faculty members, graduate students and software engineers who bring strong expertise in both learning and systems research. University of Illinois researchers will collaborate with IBM scientists who will provide guidance and technology expertise. The new hardware designs and cognitive algorithms will be released to the open source community and the OpenPOWER Foundation, of which both IBM and the University of Illinois are members.