Our beloved C3SR faculty, Professor Thomas Shi-Tao Huang, passed away peacefully at his daughter’s home in Indiana, during the evening of April 25, 2020.
Three months ago, Tom’s wife, Margaret, left the world in peace in the company of her family; Tom was extremely sad. Two months later, Tom moved from UIUC, where he had been teaching and living for forty years, to his daughter’s home in Indiana. In the last few weeks, Tom enjoyed the company and care of his family, and he also cared about the development of his students in the distance. Three months later, Tom followed Margaret.
The day before Tom’s passing, the priest visited Tom; Tom believed he would go to heaven and meet Margaret again, so he was pleased. On the day of Tom’s passing, some of Tom and Margaret’s closest friends and students briefly connected with Tom’s family through a video call; they prayed and said goodbye to Tom. The family was planning for a future video call, for the many more people that love Tom and Margaret dearly and wish to say goodbye. But Tom left the world in peace shortly after the video call.
Tom and Margaret had a legendary and rich life. They have left the deepest impressions in the lives of many of us and have left a precious legacy for this world. They have always cared for everyone, warmly and humbly.
May Tom & Margaret rest in peace in heaven!